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Guidelines on institution crisis management

Guidelines on institution crisis management

During May 2015, the European Banking Authority (EBA) issuedseveral guidelines regarding crisis management which follow up on BRRD Directive (Directive 2014/59/EU).

On 26th May, the EBA published the final version of guidelines on the circumstances under which the competent authority (supervisory authority or crisis management authority) can decide that the institution is failing or likely to fail. The decision shall be based on the same criteria and objective elements, no matter which authority makes the decision. This decision is one of the conditions which trigger subsequent crisis management processes.

For more details please see the following link:

On 20th May, the EBA published three sets of guidelines aimed at the implementation of crisis resolution tools. The first two sets of guidelines describe how constraints to resolution tools resulting from competition and transparency requirements should be interpreted. The toolsarereferred to as „sale of business tool“ and „asset separation tool“. The third set of guidelines defines the minimum list of necessary services that resolution authorities may require from institutions under resolution.

For more details please see the following link: