Information and access to personal data

Information and access to personal data

Basic principles for protection of processed personal data by the company Advanced Risk Management, s.r.o., with registered office Paříkova 362/3, Vysočany, 190 00 Praha 9, IČO: 261 40 403, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 73787 are as follows.

1. Who works with your personal information?

Your personal information is processed by the company Advanced Risk Management, s.r.o., with registered office Paříkova 362/3, Vysočany, 190 00 Praha 9, IČO: 261 40 403, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 73787. The company provides advisory services and software for financial risk management and data analysis and organises expert conferences and seminars on selected topics in these fields.

2. Which personal data are processed by us?

We primarily work with the information you provide us within the order of our services or within your consent to receive newsletters and invitations to events organized by Advanced Risk Management, s.r.o. These are primarily the following:

  • E-mail; and
  • Name and surname (and academic title); and
  • Contact (delivery and/or billing address); and
  • Phone number; and
  • Position.

We do not transfer any of your personal data to third parties. However, under certain legally defined conditions, we are required to provide your data in accordance with legal regulation, for example, to the Police of the Czech Republic (including their specialized departments) and other authorities active in the prosecution; and also, to other public administration authorities.

3. What are the reasons for processing your personal data?

The primary reason for processing your personal data by us is to provide the services you ordered, or you are interested in. In this case, it does not depend on whether the service is paid or provided by our company free of charge. Other reasons for processing are:

  • sending information about events organized by our company (subject to your consent); and
  • improving the quality of the provided services.

4. Who has access to your personal data?

We place great emphasis on the security of your personal data. We use modern IT infrastructure designed in cooperation with experts in this area in order to prevent unauthorized, or accidental access to your personal data, or their other misuse.

5. How long will we process your data?

We will process your personal data while providing our services. We will then process your data on the basis of your consent, until you call him back. Here we consider it necessary to remind you that we may be authorized to process certain personal data even though your consent has been called back. These cases are:

  • the obligation is imposed by law;
  • the obligation is imposed by the contract between our company and you;
  • there is a legitimate interest in the processing of personal data.

6. Are we authorized to process your personal data without your consent?

YES. Your personal data can be processed without your consent. This can be done only under the conditions given in point 5.

7. How do we secure your data?

We use standard and available technologies to secure your data. However, full 100% safety cannot be guaranteed. In this regard, we assure you we regularly check our systems with expert assistance to ensure that our systems and processes do not contain any weaknesses. Based on these finding, our internal processes are regularly updated.

8. Can you call back your consent with processing your personal data?

YES. You may call back your consent with processing your personal data anytime without any sanctions. You can call back your consent by sending an email to Please note that revocation of the consent is without impact on processing of personal data based on another legal basis (legal obligation, obligation based on the contract, legitimate interest, or other reason given by special legal regulation).

9. Do you have to provide your personal data?

You provide your personal data voluntarily. However, we need some data to provide our services. It is not possible to provide our services without them.

10. What are your rights within the protection of your personal data?

In relation to your personal data, you have in particular the right to:

  • call back the consent; and
  • add, or correct your personal data; and
  • require processing restrictions; and
  • object/complain against processing in certain cases; and
  • access your personal data; and
  • be informed about personal data protection breaches in some cases; and
  • delete your personal data (so-called “the right to be forgotten”); and
  • other rights provided by the Act on the Protection of Personal Data and from 25th May 2018 in the general regulation on the protection of personal data No. 2016/679.

11. What is an objection to processing?

If you are not satisfied that we send you offers, or other business announcements about our services, you have the option to object to further processing of your personal data. If you do so, we will no longer process your data and we will no longer send you new information.

12. Where can you contact us?

In the case of question regarding personal data protection, or of revocation of your consent, you can contact us by email; further by mail on our registered address; or by phone. Please note that we may ask you to appropriately prove us your identity. This is a measure to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing your personal data. In order to improve service quality, your communication with us may be monitored.